1. | Experiential Learning tools to obtain SMART supply chain competences - SMARTER | |
Project name: | Experiential Learning tools to obtain SMART supply chain competences - SMARTER | Description: | SMARTER develops smart supply chain knowledge competences as well as transversal skills through experiential learning applications. 7 universities from Spain, Austria, Ireland, Finland, Croatia, Romania and Argentina as well as 2 business development organisations deliver digital learning material, innovation created in industry-university collaboration, as well as formative assessment tools for sustainable learning methods realising the Internationalisation at home principle. University students will conduct a digital maturity gap analysis within the target businesses to create the framework for the core learning activity - the SMARTER Student Challenge. Work packages will prepare the smart material, money and info flow to support the student challenge by using simulations, serious gaming, webinars and online workshops. | Project holder: | Satakunnan Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy (Finland) | Project partners: | Veleučilište u Karlovcu (Croatia), Institute of Technology Carlow (Ireland), National Design Innovation Hub DAC (Ireland), Universidad de Valladolid (Spain), Fundación Parque Científico Universidad de Valladolid (Spain), Fachhochschule Vorarlberg GMBH (Austria), Universitatea Transilvania din Brasov (Romania), Universidad Nacional del Litoral (Argentina) | Project value: | 400.000,00 EUR | Source of financing: | KA220-HED - Cooperation partnerships in higher education | Project status: | Active | Start date: | 01.12.2022. | End date: | 30.11.2025. | Disclaimer: | The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the Karlovac University of Applied Sciences |
2. | Examples of good agricultural and industrial practice - INCHEER | |
Project name: | Examples of good agricultural and industrial practice - INCHEER | Description: | The INCHEER project aims to improve practical knowledge and professional skills through student visits to food industries. By connecting the studies of Milk Processing and Brewing at the Karlovac University of Applied Sciences, the students will expand their knowledge and gain an insight into other related technologies that they have not had the opportunity to encounter. Through agricultural and industrial practice, students of the 2nd and 3rd year of the Department of Food Technology can better understand the technology and processes of large industries in Croatia and beyond country borders. | Project holder: | Karlovac University of Applied Sciences Students' council | Project partners: | / | Project value: | 20.000,00 HRK | Source of financing: | Karlovac Student Center | Project status: | Active | Start date: | 01.02.2023. | End date: | 20.09.2023. | Disclaimer: | The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the Karlovac University of Applied Sciences |
3. | AgriNext - Agricultural and rural excellence Incubator and Platform for the Exchange of competencies | |
Project name: | AgriNext - Agricultural and rural excellence Incubator and Platform for the Exchange of competencies | Description: | AgriNext or Agricultural and rural excellence Incubator and Platform for the Exchange of competencies is an Erasmus+ project that aims to create a learning environment that responds to the skill demand on the job market in the field of agriculture. Through the project, the construction of the business incubator AgriNext is planned to be established in three countries - Slovenia, Croatia and Spain; development of the AgriNext platform for rural excellence, creating a virtual environment for interaction, demonstration, development and individualization; providing the support needed for continuous improvements for multifunctional vocational education and training in agriculture to foster excellence and green jobs in rural areas; online training of routing service providers to use the new routing service model; online training of teachers of vocational education and training for flexible learning processes; proposals for the flexibility of vocational education and training; and a green job = a dream job, production of video trailers. | Project holder: | Biotechnical centre Naklo (Slovenia) | Project partners: | Karlovac University of Applied Sciences (Croatia), Skink (Croatia), On Project s Advising SL - OnP (Spain), Union de Agricultores y Ganaderos – Jovenes Agricultores de Jaen - COAG (Spain), Instituto De Educacion Secundaria Galileo Galilei (Spain), Arctur (Slovenia), Kmetijsko gozdarska zadruga Sloga Kranj, Z.O.O (Slovenia), Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Vocational Education and Training (Slovenia), Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands Midwest (Ireland). | Project value: | 2.553,260,00 EUR | Source of financing: | ERASMUS-AG-LS | Project status: | Active | Start date: | 01.06.2022. | End date: | 01.06.2026. | Disclaimer: | The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the Karlovac University of Applied Sciences | Project website: | https://www.agrinext-project.eu/ |
4. | Development and application of surface treatments of the multilayer floor of the Divine Parquet line | |
Project name: | Development and application of surface treatments of the multilayer floor of the Divine Parquet line | Description: | The aim of the project is to contribute to the strategic segmentation of the company in the production of custom products - oiled floors with applied UV varnishes proven by research and development activities in the final processing. The project verification itself will contribute to modernization and diversification in the context of structural changes, as work is being done to significantly improve the traditional product. (Significant innovations are introduced in the traditional product that exists on the market and has substitutes in various products – such as floor coverings made of wood, composite materials, but also other materials used for finishing floors) | Project holder: | Drvoproizvod d.d. | Project partners: | Karlovac University of Applied Sciences | Project value: | 6.388.143,24 kn | Source of financing: | The Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development | Project status: | Active | Start date: | 01.09.2020. | End date: | 31.03.2023. | Disclaimer: | The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the Karlovac University of Applied Sciences |
5. | POWER OF SKILLS - Improving work placement opportunities for students of professional study programmes at the Karlovac University of Applied Sciences | |
Project name: | POWER OF SKILLS - Improving work placement opportunities for students of professional study programmes at the Karlovac University of Applied Sciences | Description: | The aim of the project is to improve the existing models of student work placement and to develop and implement new ones. It will focus on the work placement delivered as part of the professional study programmes in Hospitality Management and in Wildlife | Project holder: | Karlovac University of Applied Sciences | Project value: | 2.521,432.20 HRK | Source of financing: | The Project is funded by the European Social Fund | Project status: | Active | Start date: | March 9, 2020. | End date: | March 9, 2023 | Disclaimer: | The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the Karlovac University of Applied Sciences |
6. | Research and development of specialised multirotor unmanned aerial vehicles | |
Project name: | Research and development of specialised multirotor unmanned aerial vehicles | Description: | With the project „Research and development of specialised multirotor unmanned areal vehicles"", the partners of the Karlovac University of Applied Sciences and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture will improve existing systems that use multirotor UAVs in surveillance, reconnaissance, transport, search and rescue missions through the implementation of science and research activities, to expand the efficacy of systems and expand the uses of UAVs. The implementation period is 34 months. Measurable outcomes are newly equipped scientific research infrastructure (research and computer equipment), 12 published scientific papers, 2 patent applications, 3 young scientists employed and a launch of a joint spin-off campaign. | Project holder: | Karlovac University of Applied Sciences | Project partners: | Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture | Project value: | 6.344.230,79 kn | Source of financing: | Project co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund | Project status: | Active | Start date: | 20.12.2019. | End date: | 20.10.2022. | Disclaimer: | The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the Karlovac University of Applied Sciences |
7. | MILK-ed: Modern and Innovative onLine-based Know-how on European Dairy processing | |
Project name: | MILK-ed: Modern and Innovative onLine-based Know-how on European Dairy processing | Description: | The aim of MILK-ed project is to equip (primarily) farmers with necessary knowledge, skills, and competencies for the establishment of an on-farm dairy processing that will be available online, free of charge. The main objectives of the project are to provide participants with free access to a milk processing course, which can be recognized as part of formal or non-formal education, which suits their needs, to enable experts (teachers and trainers) to exchange knowledge and skills in the field of milk processing and dairy production, to encourage digitization in the organizations participating in the project, and promoting rural development and farm survival by encouraging farmers to participate in multifunctional and ancillary farm activities. The development of an educational online platform and the creation of a modern innovative milk processing curriculum that would be available on the platform are planned, as well as the implementation of learning, teaching and training activities. | Project holder: | Biotechnical centre Naklo (Slovenia) | Project partners: | Karlovac University of Applied Sciences (Croatia), Union de Agricultores y Ganaderos – Jovenes Agricultores de Jaen - COAG (Spain), On Project s Advising SL - OnP (Spain), Univerzitet u Novom Sadu - UNS (Serbia), Instituto d’Istruzione superiore Ciuffeli – Einaudi - ISIS TODI (Italy), Baltic Education Technology Institute- BETI (Lithuania) | Project value: | 292.179,00 EUR | Source of financing: | Erasmus+/KA2/Strategic Partnerships for VET – DoI | Project status: | Completed | Start date: | 01. 11. 2019. | End date: | 30. 04. 2022. | Disclaimer: | The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the Karlovac University of Applied Sciences |
8. | Modification of cheese ripening process and whey product development – SIRENA | |
Project name: | Modification of cheese ripening process and whey product development – SIRENA | Description: | In order to improve cheese production and whey utilization and increase the competitiveness of Croatian cheese producers, a research will be carried out on cheese ripening processes under different conditions and using whey as a by-product or raw material for the production of new whey products. The results of the conducted research (knowledge and technology) will be transferred to Croatian business sector. | Project holder: | Karlovac University of Applied Sciences | Project partners: | Faculty of Food technology and Biotechnology | Project value: | 7.213.934,01 kn | Source of financing: | Project co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) | Project status: | Active | Start date: | 20.12.2019. | End date: | 19.12.2022. | Disclaimer: | The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the Karlovac University of Applied Sciences |
9. | LIFE Lynx - "Preventing the extinction of the Dinaric-SE Alpine lynx population through reinforcement and long-term conservation" within LIFE programme | |
Project name: | LIFE Lynx - "Preventing the extinction of the Dinaric-SE Alpine lynx population through reinforcement and long-term conservation" within LIFE programme | Project logo: | https://www.lifelynx.eu/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/LOGO-WWW.png | Description: | LIFE Lynx project’s primary objective is rescuing the Dinaric-SE Alpine lynx population from extinction and to preserve it in the long term. Currently, the population is small, isolated, and extremely inbred. It urgently needs reinforcement by introducing additional, healthy animals from another population. We will reinforce the Dinaric-SE Alpine population with lynx from the viable source population in the Carpathians, while maintaining high public support. We will collaborate across all EU countries sharing this population to develop and implement a systematic approach to ensure long-term viability of the reinforced population. We will work closely with core stakeholders to further develop partnerships and to ensure broad public acceptance of lynx conservation. We aim to develop science-based management tools for strategic planning to ensure long-term viability of lynx. These include using computer modelling based on data from the project to understand how to genetically and demographically manage the population for the long term. This scientific information will be incorporated into management plans and other strategic documents. Another objective is to improve population connectivity for lynx. Natural gene flow of lynx within this population will be increased, in order to avoid additional reintroductions in the future. Such a metapopulation will help reduce negative impacts of habitat fragmentation and will reverse genetic deterioration across entire Dinaric-SE Alpine population. | Project holder: | Slovenian Forest Service | Project partners: | Karlovac University of Applied Sciences (Croatia), Biom Association (Croatia), Veterinary Faculty Zagreb (Croatia), Association for the Biological Diversity Conservation (Romania), Arma dei carabinieri - Comando Unità Tutela Forestale, Ambientale e Agroalimentare (Italy), University in Ljubljana (Slovenia), Slovenian Hunting Association (Slovenia), Italian Lynx Project (Italy), Technical university in Zvolen (Slovakia), Slovenian State Department for Nature Conservation (Slovenia) | Project value: | 6.829.377,00 EUR, of which 113.740,00 EUR is the budget of Karlovac University of Applied Sciences | Source of financing: | EU Life programme | Project status: | Active | Start date: | 01.07.2017. | End date: | 31.03.2024. | Disclaimer: | The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the Karlovac University of Applied Sciences | Project website: | https://www.lifelynx.eu/ |
10. | Cheese senses - Support to the cheese producers | |
Project name: | Cheese senses - Support to the cheese producers | Project holder: | Karlovac University of Applied Sciences | Project partners: | Karlovac Natural Science School, CES Karlovac, Karlovac County Tourist Board, Karlovac County Association of Small Cheese producers "Korni" | Project value: | 197.290,88 EUR | Source of financing: | IPA Human Resources Development, Local Employment Development Initiatives - Phase II | Project status: | Completed | Start date: | 12.02.2015. | End date: | 11.10.2016. | Disclaimer: | The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the Karlovac University of Applied Sciences |
11. | New Skills to Employment | |
Project name: | New Skills to Employment | Description: | The aim of the project is to strengthen the personal and professional competencies of 48 vulnerable groups in the labor market from Sisak-Moslavina and Karlovac County, through inclusion in two new and innovative adult education programs: Food Processor and Contributor on Design and Implementation of EU projects, through the organization and implementation of employment clubs, and other tailor-made education aimed at increasing employment in line with the goals of local human resource development strategies. Target group members and members of the employment clubs will further develop work, communication, social and other skills with a view to facilitating their inclusion on the labor market. The organization of employment clubs is the foundation for institutional project sustainability, which will facilitate the linkage with employers and establish a positive co-operation with local entrepreneurs and public institutions. The project team, external collaborators and project partners will transfer their own specific knowledge and knowledge on entrepreneurship, food processing technology, use and implementation of EU funded projects. This project will achieve empowerment and motivation of the target group, as well as vulnerable groups for activation and entry into the labor market. EU funds invested in this project will bring new opportunities for employment and self-employment in the labor market of both counties and will strengthen the local economy through the following elements: * Labor market interventions * Promotion and visibility * Project management and administration. | Project holder: | Karlovac University of Applied Sciences | Project partners: | Public Open University Kutina, CES Karlovac, Development Agency MRAV LTD., ZUK-Karlovac, LAG Moslavina | Project value: | 927.959,49 HRK | Source of financing: | Project co-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) | Project status: | Completed | Start date: | 14.05.2018. | End date: | 14.11.2019. | Disclaimer: | The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the Karlovac University of Applied Sciences |
12. | Green Curd - a high-value food product | |
Project name: | Green Curd - a high-value food product | Description: | The use of whey as raw materials for the production of albumin cheese (whey cheese) for the purpose of reducing the amount of bio-waste in the cheese industry and the development of value – added products. | Project holder: | Karlovac University of Applied Sciences | Project value: | 25.000,00 HRK | Source of financing: | Adris Group d.d. | Project status: | Completed | Start date: | 30.10.2018. | End date: | 30.06.2019. | Disclaimer: | The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the Karlovac University of Applied Sciences |
13. | The Atrium of Knowledge | |
Project name: | The Atrium of Knowledge | Description: | The aim of the project is to build the capacities of the Karlovac University of Applied Sciences for research, development and innovations in the field of food processing technology, in particular beer brewing. This will be achieved through the following elements:
The reconstruction of the building where Karlovac University of Applied Sciences is based in with the intention of improving its scientific and research infrastructure
The purchase and utilization of specialized equipment for scientific and research activities in the field of food processing technology – beer brewing
Activities related to the organizational reform of scientific and research capacities in the filed of food processing technology | Project holder: | Karlovac University of Applied Sciences | Project value: | 39.051.385,32 HRK | Source of financing: | Project co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund | Project status: | Completed | Start date: | 01.06.2018. | End date: | 01.06.2020. | Disclaimer: | The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the Karlovac University of Applied Sciences |
14. | MEASURES - Managing and restoring aquatic EcologicAl corridors for migratory fiSh species in the danUbe RivEr baSin | |
Project name: | MEASURES - Managing and restoring aquatic EcologicAl corridors for migratory fiSh species in the danUbe RivEr baSin | Project logo: |  | Description: | Sturgeons and other migratory fish species represent a historic, economic and natural heritage of the Danube River Basin and are indicators of the ecological status of aquatic ecosystems, especially of the functionality of ecological corridors. Their populations have suffered substantially from overfishing, pollution, habitat destruction and disruption of their migration routes. The need for their conservation is recognized at a high political and management level (EUSDR-PA 06, Biodiversity, DRBMP). Habitat fragmentation, as well as the lack of comprehensive knowledge on available habitats for migratory fish and on genetic diversity impede the restoration of migration corridors, vital to secure migratory fish on the long run. Concerted transnational management of these corridors and actions for their restoration as well as supportive conservation stocking of native species is highly needed. MEASURES will pave the way for the establishment of ecological corridors through identifying key habitats and initiating protective measures along the Danube and its main tributaries. A methodology for migratory fish habitat mapping will be developed and tested. A harmonized strategy (including prioritization) for the restoration of ecological corridors will be developed and will support implementation in future management plans. Two pilot actions are envisaged: (1) identify and map key habitats, (2) restocking of two native species to conserve their genetic pool. A network for concerted restocking of targeted species will be established, as well as a manual for the operation of broodstock facilities. A MEASURES Information System will be created to facilitate access to information for experts, decision makers and the general public. Concrete input into the next drafts of policy- and management plans (e.g. river basin- and flood risk management plans) will secure the translation of project outcomes into sustainable management of relevant sites restoring ecological corridors. | Project value: | 2.512.931,08 EUR | Source of financing: | Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI). | Project status: | Completed | Start date: | 01.06.2018. | End date: | 31.05.2021. | Disclaimer: | The information and views set out in this subsection of project partner website are those of the author(s) (DTP project Lead Partners and partners) and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the European Union/Danube Transnational Programme. Neither the European Union/Danube Transnational Programme institutions and bodies nor any person acting on their behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein. | Project website: | http://www.interreg-danube.eu/approved-projects/measures |